Finding a Self to Live With
20th ANNIVERSARY EXPANDED EDITION (includes workbook)
also available on the KINDLE APP (click here)
In this book, Daphne shares the valuable lesson she first learned in front of her own mirror and how she was able to teach it to her son a few years before a tragic car accident almost changed how he saw himself.
The Bible is full of big-sounding words, and the world is full of people who need the benefit of those words--words that fly right over their head, yet have the ability to empower them against the lies of the enemy. One such word is righteousness-the gift given to mankind through Christ to stand before God and all trials with humble confidence. Religion has made it out to sound pious and unattainable, but in reality, righteousness simply describes our right-standing with God (thus, our position), and the effect it should produce in our lives (through our actions).
In this revealing message, you will:
- See yourself as God sees you
- Learn how to drop the dead weight of guilt, condemnation, and regret
- Discover the Truth about God
- Learn what righteousness is, and the benefits that belong to every believer
- Find out who you are despite what you've been through
- Learn the truth about the lies and deceptions that have held you back
- Be taught how to live in the freedom God intended you to have
The workbook is designed to help you have an interactive approach to the truths found in Facing the Mirror. Too often, readers relate to the author but never really look in their own heart. Instead, they gain head knowledge, but little heart change. The questions in this workbook will help you look within by challenging things such as:
- What is my belief system?
- Why do I think this way?
- How do I replace lies with truth?
At the end of each workbook chapter, you will also find a reference of scriptures used in the book chapters as a handy study guide for your own personal time with God in His Word.
This book is perfect for both individual and group study.
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